Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Franklin County sheriff named to Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council

Franklin County Sheriff A.J. Smith has been named to a statewide council that helps to provide supplemental funding to local and state law enforcement agencies working violent crime, as well as major drug and money laundering investigations.

Governor Rick Scott announced Monday that he has named Sheriff Smith to the Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council, a 14 member group made up of state attorneys, law enforcement officers, juvenile justice officials, and school and medical and health professionals from around the state..

The council was created in 1993 to financially assist local law enforcement agencies in extraordinary violent crime cases.

After Florida’s crime trend shifted from violent crime to drug crimes, the Council's role was expanded in 2001 to include funding for drug investigations.

The Council is required to meet twice a year to review funding requests and to discuss crime issues having the most impact on Florida’s citizens and visitors.

As well as appointing Sheriff Smith, the governor also reappointed Martin County sheriff William Snyder and Leesburg Chief of Police Robert Hicks to the council.

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